Christian Martial Arts are those types of martial arts which have a Biblical foundation and are taught from a perspective of self-defense. It is the substance of our creed here in the Christian Martial Arts Fellowship as found in Isaiah 1:17.
Are Christian Martial Arts Scriptural?
There are actually two primary questions here and they should both be among the first considerations for any Christian when looking at training in the martial arts.
Question #1 - Does the Bible support self-defense, i.e. martial arts or fighting skills?
Search the internet and you will find any number of sites that condemn the martial arts as being unChristian or demonic. The problem is few of the authors have taken the time to really study the origin of the martial arts, relegating all their beginnings to the Eastern countries and related philosophies, and what they have been told.
This thought process is actually an affront to the Bible as it gives the devil credit for creating something.
Believers know from passages of scripture that only God can create anything, John 1:3; Colossians 1:16. The devil only copies and corrupts, John 8:44.
Note: the words of David in Psalm 144:1.
Note: the reason God did not remove all the militant nations from Canaan, Judges 3:1-3.
Note: Jesus told his disciples to "buy a sword" for self-defense because they (we) were going need one, Luke 22:36.
We do accept the directive of the most used argument against physical combat, that being "turn the other cheek." This is a standard paraphrase from Matthew 5:39. However, we do not accept the context in which it is normally applied. In this verse, we see the Lord telling us that we are not to strike back when someone "slaps" us for our beliefs. But there is a point when self-defense becomes proper in the temporal world. What do we do then? Refer back to Luke, above, but more to our creed, Isaiah 1:17.
These are only a couple of the many verses of scripture readily available to the objective person regarding the propriety of the Christian training in the martial arts. Training in the martial arts can be perfectly and properly scriptural.
But . . . and this is the dividing issue . . . those that do find it wrong in their spirit, do not belong in the martial arts. Train or do not train according to the manner in which the Spirit of God leads you. You are accountable to God for yourself alone.
Our position is that God commands us to be ready, but unoffensive, Luke 11:21 Luke 33:36. This is both in the physical and spiritual world, Ephesians 6:11. Evil is both physical and spiritual.
Question #2 - Aren't the martial arts filled with some weird and occult type things?
Along with this question, you should find the answer to another related question:
What does the Master Instructor or martial arts program allow in the way of false beliefs?
Whatever school or program you are considering, we suggest you talk to the main instructor and that the classes be open for parents to observe.
As to the original question, the answer is "Yes, there is a mix of the occult in many schools."
One needs only to note the Yin and Yang symbol, for instance, which may be posted in many traditional schools. And, too, there may be the stressed reliance on the "chi" or the memorization of Eastern philosophy or occult leanings required for promotional advancement. And there are a number of other items the would standout as unscriptural to the potential student and/or parents.
As to "part 2" of this question, please be aware that many martial arts' instructors only teach what they have been taught. Many have no concept of the occult teachings they promote. Others find no problem in a mix. In neither case is it Biblical teaching. One should know what they teach and why. To ignore the conflict of the two is equally unscriptural.
Again, look on the internet for Christian Karate or Christian Martial Arts schools. You will find a myriad of them. So look closer and consider . . . just because it says Christian in the name, does not make it Christian inside.
The greatest outward sign of an unscriptural school will be found on the patches, trappings and insignias on the uniforms, walls or marquis. No matter what the vocation or enterprise, Christians are to participate in the corrupting things of this world, 2nd Corinthians 6:17.
We can say this with assurety. All Eastern philosophy and religion have been removed from the teachings of the Christian Martial Arts Fellowship (CMAF). The Bible is the handbook for and measure of proper instruction. That is what makes Christian Martial Arts Fellowship a Christian organization.